Monday, October 02, 2006


I wouldn’t say that I am resistant to temptation
But I’ll try hard to resist
I wouldn’t say that I won’t be attracted to someone
But I’ll keep loving you
I wouldn’t say I can’t stop loving you
But while the game is on, we play it
I wouldn’t say I am flawless or a perfect lover
But together we’ll correct our mistakes
I wouldn’t say you were caught by my charm
But you loved me the way I am
I wouldn’t say there won’t be trials
But our reaction would determine our victory
I wouldn’t say there won’t be sad times
But we won’t let it exceed itz limit
I won’t say I’ll always be there for you
But when I’m not, know that I’ve always wanted to,
Know itz a circumstance beyond my control

There are many things I won’t want to say
But you know as well as I do that they may happen
Our love is very much stronger.
And though the bond that keeps us close together could break
Letz keep it unbreakable while we can.


Anonymous said...

dis is really nice

Anonymous said...

i love dis men.keep it up.u are a great poet.

Anonymous said...

I love this poem, especially the last two's so real.
There are so many things you wouldn't say, so what would you say?

Anonymous said...

very cute..

Anonymous said...

i wouldn't say that this piece is lovely
but i read it twice